This wild rollercoaster known as 2020 is almost over.
We’d list all the things we’ve collectively endured, but you’ve lived through it all, so we’ll spare you that. An underlying theme that we’ve heard from so many – in and well beyond the property management realm – is... STRESS!
Yes, this has been quite a stressful year across so many societal spectrums. There have been new social norms to navigate, changing guidelines and so much more. For property managers, there have been evolving mandates and laws guiding what used to be so seamless.
So, as you enter 2021, what can you do as a property manager? We have two key thoughts.
The first is... PREPARE! The pandemic isn’t over, and it will take some time until we officially return to normal. With state, regional and hyperlocal regulations changing somewhat frequently, you need to be ready to be nimble. But, aside from what may be fully out of your control, what can you control? Or, what can you prepare for?
If there have been lingering items on your to-do list, now is the time to tackle them and be proactive.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help. As a property manager, you may be inclined to do every little thing. We’ve seen it time and time again - the property manager who likes to fix the toilet, clean the gutters, rewire electricity and manage a complex, tenant legal issue... all in one day.
It’s okay to ask for help, whether it’s turning to a trusted local vendor or a property management company to keep things super-seamless. You’ll be surprised at the time and energy (and money!) you may save in the long haul.
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2021!
To kick your property management efforts into high-gear, give Arlington Realty Property Management a buzz today at 703-836-2525 or email