Looking to attract or retain a tenant in the new year? Start here.
And, bam, just like that, we're nearing the end of yet another year.
Amid the family festivities, massive feasts and gifts galore, the end of the year is a stellar opportunity to ensure your Arlington real estate offering is as ready as you are for the year ahead. Whether you are looking to obtain a tenant or wanting to retain a tenant, there are certainly strategies that can absolutely work to your benefit.
It never hurts to get planning. So, as you gear up for the next year, below are three key tips for a couple different scenarios, wherever you may fall on the property management spectrum.
And, just remember, this insight is truly the tip of the iceberg. When you're ready for a time-tested, locally trusted team to empower your property with world-class property management services in Arlington County, the team at Arlington Realty Property Management is ready to roll on your behalf.
Attracting a Tenant
E-boost the heck out of it. Sure, word of mouth and a posted flyer can go a long way. But, here in modern times, more and more folks are embarking on their searches online. In fact, according to the National Association of REALTORS, more than 44 percent of buyers/renters hit the Internet first for their search.
Make your listing pop. Of course beautiful photos are important. But, how about the actual description of your property? Load that bad-boy with key words and make it appealing. After reading it, would you want to rent it?
Make it available. If your only showing window is 8 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday nights, that may be a problem. Maximize your showings window so folks can see your property in real-life.
Retaining a Tenant
Proactive repairs. What are the repairs you can make now that will ultimately save you time and money in the future? You don't have to break the bank here, but if you see that old washer giving out next year, it may be time to replace it. You'll save yourself a headache down the line... and your tenant, too.
Renewal. Is your current tenant looking to renew... or perhaps not? How about you, as a property owner? Begin the conversation at least 90 days in advance so there are no surprises for anyone.
Give it a walk-through. The periodic check-in on your property doesn't have to be a hinderance to the tenant. In fact, it's an awesome opportunity to show your tenant that you care about their wellbeing and you may just catch a needed repair along the way.
For more on property management services in Arlington County, VA and beyond, contact Arlington Realty Property Management today at arlingtonrealtymanagement.com
or 703-836-2525.
As Arlington property management experts, it’s our job to know what the laws are and when they change. Here’s what you need to know about Arlington rental law changes in 2025, if you’re just catching up.