Perhaps needless to say: What a wild and wacky couple of years it has been!
The property management landscape has certainly not been immune to changing regulations, guidance and seemingly everything in between. In many ways, landlords and tenants have been strapped by evolving legislation, some of which has been incredibly difficult to keep up with.
There have been tense moments. There has been confusion. And, unfortunately, there have been legal headaches for some.
Some folks – on the landlord side – have been doing it all solo, doing their absolute best to make sense of it all. Let this note be your reminder: You don’t have to do it alone!
According to recent analysis by Surgo Ventures and a super-insightful piece by our local site, nearly 6,000 Arlington County rental households were behind on paying rent as of early August. This equates to approximately 10 percent of our local renters.
Unfortunately, COVID-related economic scenarios continue to persist for so many. And, the problem doesn’t appear to be going away. In fact, the number of households in arrears went up by more than 10 percent just from July to August.
The bottom line for landlords: It has never been more important to have someone advocating on your behalf. The pandemic has been a roller coaster and you need to be prepared, let alone whatever other property management-related legislation may come down the line. Equally as important, tenants need to have an advocate, too, and should be equally as informed of their rights.
Communication, professionalism and connectedness are the through lines here in 2021, folks. They have always been vital in our business and certainly are here today.
To kick your property management efforts into high gear, give Arlington Realty Property Management a buzz today at 703-836-2525 or email