We’ve certainly dug into the day-to-day benefits of having a property manager here.
As a refresher, these benefits can span handling tenant-landlord disputes to handling a leaky toilet... and so, so much more in between.
But one of the benefits that may get lost in the day-to-day is how a property manager goes to bat for you on the marketing front. Whether you are listing your property for the very first time or seeking an all-new tenant in your 10th year of renting, marketing is absolutely vital. And, in case you haven’t noticed, the marketing realm has changed drastically in the last 10, 20 and 30 years!
When selecting a property manager, one of the biggest questions on your checklist should be, “well, how are you going to find me a tenant?”
Any modern property manager should be able to touch on the following which will ultimately be a benefit during your journey:
- The core sites. The overwhelming majority of folks here in 2021 conduct their searches and find their homes online. Your listing should be cast far and wide on the principal real estate websites to get in front of as many eyeballs as possible.
- Niche sites. The Washington, D.C. area has some principal industries (e.g., the military) and there are tailored ways to reach these audiences. For example, if your property is next to a military base, what can be done to reach what may very well be a military tenant?
- Personal contacts. If a property manager has been in this business for some time, they should have a database of some sorts to notify of new listings. That database should know about your home!
And these are just some of our marketing thought starters without giving away our secret sauce. The bottom line is: You home needs to be out there and the right property manager should do the trick.
To kick your property management efforts into high gear, give Arlington Realty Property Management a buzz today at 703-836-2525 or email mypropertymgr@gmail.com.