If you blinked, you may have missed it.
The fall season officially started on Tuesday, September 22. That’s right, before we all know it, our lush Arlington County confines will be experiencing foliage in full swing, cooler temps and pumpkin patches popping up left and right.
And just as it’s important to find that perfect pumpkin to adorn your front doorstep, it’s a stellar time to check in on a few aspects of the property you manage. Here are five things to tick off your fall checklist at the top of the season:
1) De-clutter your gutter.
Ah, the changing leaves are so beautiful. That is until they fall, you have to rake them all up... or they end up in your gutters. Before the onslaught of falling leaves, you’ll want to make sure that your gutters are clear and ready for what’s ahead.
2) Seal the deal.
The transition from Virginia summers to winters can be dramatic. Some years, the crisp fall season can seemingly last months and, other times, it feels like it goes from 80-degree days to pure frigidness in a heartbeat. Regardless, double-check your window and door sealings to ensure that the A/C to heat transition goes smoothly and you (and your tenants!) aren’t letting money literally seep out.
3) Check in with your tenants.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve checked in on your property and who’s residing there. These simple conversations can go a long way in your landlord-tenant relationship and also in unearthing potentially large problems.
4) Raise the roof!
We’ve mentioned gutters, but please don’t forget to check the roof for debris, too. You’re going to be up there, so it should be a relatively easy journey to scope things out. And, if it ends up being not easy / scary / not cool, there are plenty of local professionals to help.
5) Start preparing for 2021.
“Whaaaaaaat?” you say. Yep, it’s never too early to start thinking about what’s ahead and what you want to accomplish next year. Just as important as addressing immediate needs, it’s time to start thinking about you can maximize your investment in the coming months and years. If and when you need a trusted team to advise you on that front, the team at Arlington Realty Property Management is here for you.
To kick your property management efforts into high-gear, give Arlington Realty Property Management a buzz today at 703-836-2525 or email mypropertymgr@gmail.com.