With a quick Google, you’ll see that there are plenty of property managers out there.
So, who is the right one for you?
Here are three criteria to look for in your property manager search to cut through the clutter and find your right match:
1) Specialties. In Northern Virginia, we have it all. Vast commercial properties, historic townhomes, modern apartments and condominiums, farmland and seemingly everything in between. More often than not, you can find a property manager (and/or a Realtor) that either specializes or prioritizes your type of property.
2) Credentials and experience. A lot of folks out there may claim to be a property and/or have the appropriate credentials. Well, ask them to put their money where their mouth is. Ask for references and ask to see their credentials – for residential managers, an affiliation with NARPM (the National Association of Residential Property Managers) should be an absolute minimum in addition to a number of references.
3) Communication clues. Your first interactions with a prospective property manager should give you a few clues as to what it may be like to work with them. A property manager should be responsive and professional. If you’re not getting that vibe from the get-go, it could equate to rough times ahead.
To kick your property management efforts into high gear, give Arlington Realty Property Management a buzz today at 703-836-2525 or email mypropertymgr@gmail.com.